Erik Sargent

Scoreo 1.0.1 update and Scoreo for Mac

I'm releasing a new update to Scoreo today. Behind the scenes I did a lot of cleanup on the project, and everything is more stable now. The most notable changes are:

  • Improves scrolling through round history
  • Better editing and reordering of players in a game
  • Sharing a screenshot of your graphs works better on iPad

With this update I am also introducing Scoreo for Mac. Scoreo for Mac is a Mac Catalyst app which made it really easy to introduce the app without building it from the ground up. Using Catalyst, there are very few changes needed to make everything run, and I'm a huge fan of it so far.

There are a few things that don't totally feel 'Mac-like' and I would like to improve them in the future, but it is working great at this point so I'm going to go ahead and release it.

In the future I would like to work on multi-window support so the graphs feel more Mac like. I would also like to improve the look of the navigation bars because they don't fit the Mac ecosystem at all at the moment.

Download on the App Store


Published on 5/6/20
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